Thursday 18 February 2016


A 2-3 hour drive straight down south to the Breede River.  Through more amazing passes and dramatic scenery till we come to the N2 (Garden Route).

Then we had to make a decision which 
Road to take to Malagas!  The river divided east and west. The sign said Malagas and we trundled along a wide gravel road for miles and miles, both agreeing the hotel was on this right west side!  Our South African mobile had run out of juice!! All farmlands no-one to ask but as Barry said - it's said Malagas!

Eventually we came over a hill and turned a corner!!!!!!  ........  We were on the wrong side of the river!!!! 

But, as luck would have it, there was a hand operated ferry which had just left going across the river.  I hailed it and so kindly these guys came back for us. 

You just don't know what's around the corner!!

These guys have the chain wrapped around their bodies and just pull 20 or so times a day!

Barry was so relieved he didn't have to drive back that long distance for another 90 minutes!!!

Have to say, he has done brilliantly driving these distances over mountains and African plains!
It is roughly 500 miles from Port Elizabeth to Cape Town and we have done lots of deviations too!!!

So alls good and we have a week left!
Still more adventures and this weekend will be another 'experience' !!

We are taking this little boat out for three days down this beautiful river - not going past the river mouth!!!  Promise!

No electrics or communication BUT the hotel responsible for the boats is rather comfortable. Can you believe it - we had a 5 course dinner for £10.  Very tasty thick bean soup (meal in itself); chicken livers (we declined); beef lasagne (we declined); slow roast lamb or chicken with loads of veg; berry pudding & coffee.
Incredible value.  So we could well come back to base in the evenings!!!  
Anyway the Trading Post which has a few provisions might not have much in!!

Oh well - it will do us good to not eat for three days!!!! 

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