Thursday 4 February 2016


This is Craw
Just love him & we developed a bond.

He has caused us loads of laughs and I couldn't wait to get back to camp to see him after game drives.

This was our selfie.  He loved the camera and his picture !

Craws favourite game was teasing the dogs.  Strutting along the ground so the dogs chased him, then flying off and landing on their backs. They chased him but couldn't catch him. So amusing

He kept flying onto Barry to stop him doing a suduko and he spent hours with us but always looking for trouble!! Nibbling Barrys hat or my camera. Just mischief

Craw walked with me to our tent and he stayed perched on my head while we had drinks in the boma for at least an hour.

He loved being tickled and he loved being involved.  Even staying on the jeep canopy for sometime as we started a game drive.  Apparently at the owners house, his greatest game is to pinch the 5 year olds Lego.  Run off with a piece and put it on the veranda and so on until he had his own pile of Lego.

Craw enjoyed morning coffee and crowed away when I gave him some rusk.  This photo is of Craig the ranger giving him dog pellets!!! Then he had water from a squirty gun.

What a wonderful experience to get to know Craw.  I will always look at crows in our garden with a different view, hoping to find a Craw to train. He is totally free and it's wonderful to see him fly off, round and round the camp and away.  The owners of the camp found him abandoned only six weeks ago and now he rules the camp and has captured everyone's hearts, especially mine.  I think Barry was smitten in the end too!!

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