Monday 15 February 2016


Our longest leg of our travels today- poss 4 hours over mountains & thro  passes . This is Route 62.  

A bit apprehensive not knowing road conditions, safety etc.  This road goes west to east from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth.  It is the alternative to the Garden Route, the N2, but Route 62 (the Mountain Route) is inland, the other side of the mountain ranges.

We needn't have worried!  The tarmac roads are excellent; there was little traffic and magnificent scenery - we loved it.  One minute three were green valleys, the next, enormous mountain ranges and then miles of rough terrain in between. It was really stunning

How did the Early Settlers cross this land?

Then miles from nowhere we went past

Ronnie's Sex Shop!!

Have a laugh!!  
I made Barry reverse up so I could go in - well I was thirsty!!!!!

Ronnie, still there, explained he started his shop in 1981 and it was unsuccessful .
A friend added the SEX bit on the side of the sign and he has been very busy ever since. Crazy place but love it.
We declined a drink in the pub but had a lovely long milkshake instead!

Bras and panties hang from the ceiling over the bar!!
This is Ronnie - a great character!

Graffiti over the walls and ceilings - great way to decorate!!

You never know what's around the corner in Africa!!!

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