Wednesday 24 February 2016


Our last morning and we awake to the sounds of the Hadeda birds, the sun rising over a calm sea and mist clearing from the Twelve Apostles to our left.

Just Beautiful!  

This is Camps Bay Glen!

Cuppa in hand we sit on the terrace of this quirky but clean, crazy place, our last morning.....

CampsBay Glen goes down in tiers and running beside it is a natural stream. Little waterfalls and nooks & crannies to sit in under the shade and enjoy. The other side of the stream is a nature reserve.

We are enjoying sitting on the terrace with an abundance of wild foliage around us overlooking the pool

I enjoyed an afternoon in the hammock!

Camps Bay has glorious golden beaches. Wide grass verges, a road that runs parallel to the sea and bars and cafes all along - no shops.  Buzzy, trendy
With musicians and artists amusing you while you sip a cocktail or tuck into a lobster!!!!

Camps Bay is only ten minutes to Cape Town and the parking by the Waterfront there is good so no need really to stay in the noisy busy city!

Our last few days have been great and this is a perfect place to unwind and prepare for the long journey home this afternoon.  But we will be home by the morning and we will have a lovely homecoming as Flanagan Jims setter will be there waiting for us .

What an amazing holiday we have had. Or was it an adventure?  Depends on your view

 It has been magic, no medical dramas, not one beggar, no crime, great food and extremely cheap. Trusty hired car too. What Wonderful people we have met along the way, with Bill and Rose  at Leeuwenbosch standing out, Craw the crow and white lions. To name a just a few !!

What a journey to remember- 

So much and so lucky
 Sign on the beach!!!!!  Says it all


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