Tuesday 2 February 2016

LAST DAY -Nearly 50 deg so 4.30 am START

Up early and out. Our last morning game drive at Leuwenbosch.  'Hold on' says Luke as we sink into deep ruts,  getting out sideways on as the jeep lurches around.  'Mind out' he calls as we push our way thro overhanging bushes, their spikey branches banging on the bars of the jeep as we pass by. We all duck to the floor.! There are two jeeps in our group, Luke is the head ranger and likes to prove it! Playing tricks on junior rangers is his sport!

What a morning. Two giraffes rutting!!! Luke got us up right close and the power of those long necks is unbelievable as they sent thump after thump at their opponents neck. The giraffes didn't care there was an electric fence between them!!!!!

Then the piece de resistance - cheetahs.
Father lying under a bush on his own and then later the mother and teenage cubs.   Again Luke got us up close and we spent a while quietly gazing at these gorgeous wild animals 

So privileged 

It then became so hot that even the wind rushing past was hot.  Thank god for the lovely swimming pool & seating under trees where we spent the afternoon

A trip to an orphanage was going to be cancelled because of the heat but we all said NO. That was a mistake  but we met the children . I loved it. I asked if they could sing for us and they did a little dance. Very sweet.

Farewell dinner was great with the staff singing again and Bill relaying his stories as we sat outside The Pub. It became cooler. 

What a wonderful time we have had at Leuwenbosch. We have become very fond of Bill & Rose & their wonderful staff.  Far exceeded our expectations.  Very sad to leave.

Now I will tell you that this week at Leuwenbosch was a Saga holiday!!!!! We weren't sure what it would be like and had to play safe after last year. Sadly they won't be doing Saga anymore.  

From now on we will be on our own & first few days no electrics so no wi fi!!!
I will be painting instead!!!!!

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