Wednesday 10 February 2016


Wilderness is mid way along the Garden Route with tidal lakes and rivers one side, dunes and beaches that go for miles and miles the other.
The Garden Route, for those who have not visited, is not gardens with azaleas and rhodedendrons, (as some think) but beautiful lush trees and shrubs which for South Africa is a garden route. 

Every few miles are rivers that have gauged through dramatic cliffs then flow out to beautiful sandy estuaries.  It is just stunning

So now we are in this divine place called the Pink Lodge on the Beach,  The Dunes, Wilderness.  Walking the endless golden sands and searching our souls.  No we aren't going to live here despite a 
Beautiful house overlooking the sea for £350 set between really upmarket houses!!

When being shown to our apartment, the owner said 'you have the best rooms but you have to climb some stairs, perhaps I should change the room'!!!!  Red rag to a bull - I've not seen Barry walk up those stairs so swiftly for a long while!!!!!!  It is very special

Our bedroom looks out over lakes and mountains and the lounge (with tv and cricket!!!!) looks out over our large terrace and sea!!   Lucky or what !!!

For 30 years these guys have dug up oysters, put them in big sacks and carried them up 200 steps. They had to stop every few minutes the load was so heavy. Talking to them when they'd recovered they said they don't know how much longer they can keep doing it.  They did look all in


What else do you do in a National Park when you don't fancy walking a trail??

You take a Segway we thought!!!!

Ha ha- not so easy to begin with and you need strong legs which we don't have!!
We weren't told that.  But got the hang of it and had a nice ride to a river and back.
Think we'd rather walk in future tho!!!!!!

Have a laugh!!!

Tomorrow we plan to take out a tandem canoe - should be more at home on the water!!!!!!  Just got to get in and out!!!

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