Thursday 4 February 2016


FINGERS X we are on our own now but at least we feel we're back in civilisation albeit only an hour or so down the road from Quartermains, Leeuwenbosch and the two reserves, Amakhala and Shamwiri.
It was this time last year Barry had his heart attack while we were with good friends Rod & Lou & dear Alok saved Barrys life. Where has that year gone?!!!
How lucky are we to be enjoying these amazing experiences. Wildlife sightings and of course Craw. 

Now at Dungbeetle River Lodge with our bedroom deck overlooking the Sundays River and long continuous white sand dunes. Beautiful. What a contrast from a tent !!!!!

An interesting day at Addo Elephant Reserve, we sat and  watched a couple of hundred elephants playing in the water. There are 600 elephants in all!!!   The views from the reserve stretching out to the sand dunes on the coast - just beautiful. Addo is the third  largest reserve in SA and growing as they are acquiring local farms. Being malaria free it makes it more appealing to tourists.?we were hoping to stay but it's fully booked which is surprising but everywhere seems busy - must have something to do with cricket!!!!

An evening boat ride down to the mouth of the Sunday's River to see the sand dunes- the longest in the southern hemisphere.  Delightful evening finishing with a braii in the Angling Club!!
Such fun
Look how well Barry is - always at home on a boat.  Fingers XX he stays like this!!

So it's goodbye Dungbeetle Lodge and PE (Port Elizabeth). Thoroughly enjoyed our stay just going to do one more thing this morning, something I've wanted to do for years - visit a township!!!!!! 

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