Thursday 18 February 2016


After 3 days of going out on safaris, 35 hours in total, leaving at 5 am each morning, we were bowled over when at 8.30 on the last morning we came round the corner on a safari jeep.........

There they were!!  Right up close too!

Awesome WHITE LIONS.  
We stayed for 30 minutes sitting quietly and watching these gorgeous animals.  Not a bit bothered by the jeeps.
This is what it's all about when you go on safaris.

The white males have blue eyes, the White females, green, whilst tawny lions have tawny!  The white lions are not albinos but a gene that passes down the lines and occasionally a white lion pops out!  They are incorporated into all tawny prides and all treated the same. 
They are stunning and so majestic! 
The first white lion was noted in 1830. They became big trophy attractions and became extinct until 1974  when a white cub was borne.  Since then the gene has passed down the line and only last year seven white cubs were born.  They are being protected 

Sanbona and Timbervati are the only reserves where White Lions Roam freely & hunt for their own food And are protected.

Other animal viewings were good too over the three days. Elephants,rhino, giraffes, zebras, snakes to name a few 

We are in the Sanbona Reserve.  San for the San people who used to inhabit these lands and 'bona' good life. 

Sanbona is 3 hours from Cape Town and is the nearest true reserve, malaria free.  It is divided into parcels around the Big 5 Reserve.  Majority is a free roaming reserve but small parcels are lodges & homes. We were in White Lion Lodge which is at least a 30minute drive to the main gate of the Reserve before you start.  You need five hours out in the bush and it is very tiring but magic that is, if you like wild animals!!

Three other lodges are right in the reserve and closer to the game but cost over twice that of White Lion Lodge! And that was expensive compared to our other venues!

I love the private outside showers you often get in these lodges.  Having a hot shower out in the wild / nothing like it!!!

An awesome three days.  
You never know what's around the corner in Africa!!

Intrepid travellers!!  

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