Sunday 14 February 2016


It's absolutely still. Just the odd cricket. It's warm even at 5am.  The shadows of huge mountains surround us in the far distance. It's like being in an enormous bowl with scrubland for miles & miles inbetween.

 We're sitting quietly in the middle of scrubby fields, on a folding chair, not speaking & watching patiently for an hour as the sun rises slowly over the stunning mountain ranges. 
Suddenly a meerkat pops up out of the scrub, coast is clear, so another pops up, then the first goes down!!  And so on! We had been up since 5 to see these dear little creatures wake up & go about their daily chores. Our problem was that there were some clouds which stopped the meerkats waking earlier! So they were immediately ready to forage and went off quickly.  When the sun comes out they face it and warm their tummies which helps digest food. Luckily we did have time with some of them. I just love the way they sit right up with one paw over the other!  So cute but apparently quite aggressive

It was lovely seeing them in their natural habitat - well worth getting up for!!

Not wanting to do the commercial Cango Caves which is a must apparently, we chose to drive right up into the mountains.
The scenery is stunning.  You could be in Switzerland .

As quickly as you are in lush green hills, the other side is barren of vegetation.
Our trusty hired car trundled up unmade roads with dust flying everywhere.  Suddenly you would see the dust take off in the wind, like a mini sandstorm..

Finally we parked up and clambered up & down rocks until we came to a beautiful

Quite pleased with ourselves. At least it was cool between the crags!

Finished Valentines Day with champagne sitting in the lodges restaurant looking out over this beautiful country

So The Fish Eagles did fly.  In fact they are nesting in a tree in the distance overlooking the lake.  So large that even in the distance you can see their white  plumage.

Don't know if you can see them.  Zoom on iPhone can't quite make it. You can see their shadow at the top. My Canon has got them clearly tho for the album!

We sat out on our deck in the dark with a nightcap. Crickets playing and wildlife settling. No mosquitos just the odd one.
Just love this place. You only need a log cabin!!!!

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