Saturday 20 February 2016


After getting supplies at The Trading Post we took over the little cabin cruiser. It was a lovely day and after a session of driving the boat & dropping & pulling up the anchor (not so easy for me!) 
We decided to go upstream for a little way and return to base that night being sensible. The next night we would stay on anchor somewhere!

Swimsuits on, we passed rugged cliffs and sandy spits

From nowhere there were suddenly black clouds coming from two directions. The wind picked up. Barry reckoned it was a force 5-6 and with the incoming tide and small engine, we were making slow progress back to base.  

A strong gust swept the life buoy off the top of the roof & it hit Barry on the head. Luckily it only bruised Barry and we caught it before it fell into the river.
All was ok.
When we got back to the mooring we were lucky as 3 guys were around to help as the wind and current were blowing us off. The boat next to us was going out for a nights fishing. A father, friend and sweet little boy who was so excited to be going out fishing with his Dad. He had his own tackle box and told me with pride that he got it for doing poos on the toilet!!

So the boat next to us went off.  We decided we would go & explore right down to Infanta on the tip of the coast. There was thunder & lightening - really bad weather- our car looked dreadful

Luckily we came across The Boathouse. Loads of guys watching cricket, drinking in a great place overlooking the river. They made lovely pizzas so despite the weather we had a fun time. 
Waited till there was a break in the rain before we made a dash for the boat!!

The boat had a leak in the roof and the duvet was wet.  

I think that and the life buoy incident finished us off.  The next morning we left.
Our first disappointment which if that is the only one in four weeks isn't bad!

The other boat came in early - they had a dreadful night but no leaks!!
The father suggested we went to Hermanus. They went out fishing again.

What a great suggestion Hermanus was!  It's absolutely delightful and we have a stunning room with views to die for.

The Grotto is the place on the beach to go to for cocktails and food.   A lounge area on the sand was wonderful with sofas made from palettes.
People just moved them all around so you had parties!
The restaurant opposite was also delightful with its blue and white scheme and blue blankets if it got cold!!!!

Such an elegant trendy place. Love the atmosphere eg. people leaving the beach all piled into small open trucks with 3 retrievers. Another with just a group of teenagers who had been surfing. A young couple came down on a tandem - he peddling while she had her feet on the bar & was texting!!

Our boat experience didn't work out.  
But it was lucky in the end or we wouldn't have visited Hermanus!!!

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