Monday 8 February 2016


Having walked to the suspension bridge over Storms River, thro jungle type foliage with amazing sea views, we left sadly & moved on. Stopped in Plettenburg Bay - (Plett). Luxurious shops & interesting Main Street - didn't stop!!!!

Beautiful Plett

Moving on down the coast we arrive in Knysna.
Would we still feel the same? Would we have regrets? Having fallen in love with Knysna and a stunning house in Belvidere last time we were here 15 years ago, we were nervous!

Eventually found the house overgrown shrubs & trees AND FOR SALE signs! Phoned the same agent & she said £300k. WOW the house has stayed the same - it's the African economy & strong pound.  

If the vendor 15 years ago hadn't cancelled our signed contract, we would have lived there!! And paid £300k more!!!

Agent said put in an offer and we both said NO   We were both surprised at ourselves. Knysna hasn't the same attraction! Maybe too old now to play games!!! And the same reasons not to move abroad - family and friends!

Knysna still has a buzz and lovely waterside boardwalk with trendy shops and restaurants - all booked most nights!!
A wonderful lagoon with the sea coming in between two huge cliffs called The Heads - absolutely wild.  How did the ancient ships get in!!

Staying st Turning Tides in the middle of this pic overlooking the lagoon 
Quite pleasant but dated. Barry nearly went back to the log cabin!

But we had a wonderful sail trip out to The Heads - very rough and excilerating riding over enormous waves!! Champagne & prawns when we got into calmer waters.

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